Kevin Holleran wrote:

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:11 AM, MRAB < <>> wrote:

    Kevin Holleran wrote:

        Good morning,

        I fear the answer to this is that I just cannot do this....

        I wrote a python script that goes out to a bunch of remote
        machines and queries the registry for some values.  Effectively,
        there have been some software upgrades that have been done as
        the need arose but we need to do them across the organization
        now.  There are three, and the script checks all three and
        returns the values.  One of these just needs to be a registry
        change as it is a client server application that the server was
        upgraded and the clients need a change to a registry value to work.

        Long story short, I am using _winreg to do this.

        hKey = _winreg.OpenKey (keyPath, path, 0, _winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE)
        value,type = _winreg.QueryValueEx(hKey, item)
        if (value == wrongValue):
Hmm. If you're querying with (hKey, item), shouldn't you also be setting
with (hKey, item), not (hKey,'')?

        When I do this I receive the error:

        _winreg.SetValue WindowsError: [Error 5] Access Denied

        I am running this from my machine as a domain admin, connecting
        to the remote machine which is also on the domain.
        I am connecting to the remote registry with:

        keyPath = _winreg.ConnectRegistry(r"\\" +

        Thanks for any help.

    What is 'ipAddress'? Is it an actual IP address? The documentation says
    it should be the computer name.

Thanks for the response. From my experience that does not matter. It is an actual IP address. I can connect to the registry fine, its just the writing. I read that value and other values. It errors on the _winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE. I am wondering if Windows just will not let the registry be changed remotely in this way or if there is something else I have to do.


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