On Aug 12, 9:09 am, exar...@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
> On 01:27 pm, jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:
> >Simon Brunning wrote:
> >>2009/8/11 Robert Dailey <rcdai...@gmail.com>:
> >>>On Aug 11, 3:40 pm, Bearophile <bearophileh...@lycos.com> wrote:
> >>>>There are gals too here.
> >>>It's a figure of speech. And besides, why would I want programming
> >>>advice from a woman? lol. Thanks for the help.
> >>Give the attitudes still prevalent in our industry (cf
> >><http://tinyurl.com/c5nqju> and many more), I'm sorry to say that I
> >>don't think this is funny.
> >Having someone present technical informations with porn content cannot
> >be qualified as "prevalent in our industry". I would even dare to say
> >this is the opposite, it is almost unique.
> >I would also add that Robert was very far from this attitude, I
> >consider his joke as a friendly tickle, not a male chauvinist
> >aggression. I'm no women, but I'm sure they are as capable as me, not
> >to say more, of making the distinction.
> >It has been said this list is not very friendly to newbies, let's not
> >make it hostile to gentle jokes (even those not funny) when thanking
> >helpers.
> It's lots of little things like this which combine to create an
> environment which is less friendly towards women than it is towards
> others.  You might read it as a joke, others might not.  Even if it is a
> joke, it's in poor taste and doesn't really belong on python-list.
> There's a difference between pointing out inappropriate behavior and
> being unfriendly.  Hopefully Robert got help with his problem.  That's
> what the list is here for.  Having accomplished that, it is not
> unfriendly to ask him not to make disparaging comments, "jokes" or
> otherwise, about groups of people.
> Jean-Paul

Hey everyone,

I was actually joking about my remark, I was making fun of the fact
that Bearophile took my figure of speech literally. I have worked with
a lot of women in the past and they even use "guys" to refer to
everyone in a room (When there were obviously other females in that
room as well).

On a more serious note, I do apologize to those offended by my remark.
I realize that these things can be a touchy subject for some people. I
expected more of a laid-back attitude from everyone. No need to be so
serious all the time. I cannot completely doubt that there are logical
women out there. I just haven't seen one yet. But that doesn't mean
I'm a sexist.

With my apology presented, I would like to propose that we end the
discussion here. As I said, this is a very sensitive subject and this
thread could spin way out of control if we don't just ignore the
issue. For those that took it as a friendly, harmless joke, hopefully
you had a laugh. For those that took it seriously or as an offense,
please take my apology to heart. Thanks once again to everyone for
your help. I've long been a member of this community and I really
appreciate the continuous support I've been receiving!

Take care everyone!

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