You'll know that Python is sexist the day you'll find the title 'No women allowed' on the python main document page.

Good God I hope you're being ironic.

On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 10:23:39 -0700, Jean-Michel Pichavant <> wrote:

Aahz wrote:
In article <>,
Robert Dailey  <> wrote:

It's a figure of speech. And besides, why would I want programming
advice from a woman? lol. Thanks for the help.

Well, I'm sorry to see this, it means I was wrong about the lack of
sexism in the Python community.  I encourage anyone who wants to improve
the situation to join the new diversity list:

Are you suggesting this list reject part of the community regarding its sexual orientation, ethnicity, size, culture? If that was the case I'd like to know about it. I would really want to know how you'd guess my gender (could be some clue somewhere), my sexual orientation, my religion and so on.
How can you reject someone regarding informations you don't have ?

That's the beauty of this mailing list, it has diversity, by design.
We even welcome people that mixes up joke with sexist aggression, not to mention how open minded we are :o)

Beside, the day you'll meet a real act of sexism in this list, please know that people talk and act on their own, do not assign their attitude to the whole community. You'll know that Python is sexist the day you'll find the title 'No women allowed' on the python main document page.


PS : Newbies are not welcome here !

Rami Chowdhury
"Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity" -- Hanlon's Razor
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