On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:49 AM, kj <no.em...@please.post> wrote:

> Miles Kaufmann <mile...@umich.edu> writes:
> >...because the suite
> >namespace and the class namespace would get out of sync when different
> >objects were assigned to the class namespace:
> >class C:
> >   x = 1
> >   def foo(self):
> >       print x
> >       print self.x
> > >>> o = C()
> > >>> o.foo()
> >1
> >1
> > >>> o.x = 2
> > >>> o.foo()
> >1
> >2

I haven't tested either codes, but that isn't "out of sync". Your x = 1 is a
static variable, and shared between all isntances of class C.

> But this unfortunate situation is already possible, because one
> can already define
> class C:
>   x = 1
>   def foo(self):
>        print C.x
>       print self.x
> which would lead to exactly the same thing.

It works because you're simply explicitly referring to the class's local
scope, which leads to the same result.

Again, that's just my understanding of the implementation.


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