flebber.c...@gmail.com wrote:
I am using python 2.6.2, I haven't updated to 3.0 yet. No I have no class or instructor, I am learning this myself. I have Hetlands book "Beginning Python Novice to Professional and online documentation books so Dive into Python, python.org etc.

Using the SPE editor.

I have currently only fully written basic psuedocode to give me a basic framework to guide myself.

#Basic pseudocode
#Purpose to get raw input and calculate a score for a field of options and return that
#score in a set in descending order.
#Multiple sets sould be written to the doc

#Obtain date
#Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results to file.
#Obtain location
#Set Dictionary
#Event number
#Obtain set size
#Prompt first entry
#First Entry Number
#First Entry Name
#Set Blocks to obtain and calculate data
#Block 1 example - Placings Block
#Obtain number of events competed in
#Obtain how many times finished first
#Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
#Number of Firsts divide by Events * total by 15.
#Obtain Second finishes
#Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
#Number of Seconds divide by Events * total by 10.
#Continue On with this
#Block 2 - Lookup coach Dict and apply value.
#Obtain Surname of Coach
#Lookup Coach File and Match Name and get value.
#Blocks continue gaining and calculating values.
#create txt file named using date
#Sum Values Block1 + Block2 etc
#Print to file event number and field with name number individual Block totals and Sum Total
#Arranged in descending Sum Total.
#Prompt are there any more events? Yes return to start
#Apphend all additional events to same day file seperated by blank line.

How many of these steps have you attempted actually coding? Seems to me your first two steps are just string manipulation, and you only need to use the datetime module if you need to validate. In other words, if the user specifies the date as 31/09/2009, you might want to later bounce back to him with a complaint that September only has 30 days.

So the first task is to accept input in the form ab/cd/efgh and produce a string efgh-cd-ab.log which you will then create as a text file. And if the file exists, you'll append to it instead of overwriting it. Can you do that much?

Make sure each of these is in a function with a good name, so you can later refine the behavior, like adding error checking. So right now, you might code the function without error checking, and later add some validation, with error messages and new input query.



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