On Sep 24, 11:10 pm, flebber <flebber.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 24, 10:58 pm, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:
> > flebber.c...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > I am using python 2.6.2, I haven't updated to 3.0 yet. No I have no
> > > class or instructor, I am learning this myself. I have Hetlands book
> > > "Beginning Python Novice to Professional and online documentation
> > > books so Dive into Python, python.org etc.
> > > Using the SPE editor.
> > > I have currently only fully written basic psuedocode to give me a
> > > basic framework to guide myself.
> > > #Basic pseudocode
> > > #Purpose to get raw input and calculate a score for a field of options
> > > and return that
> > > #score in a set in descending order.
> > > #Multiple sets sould be written to the doc
> > > #Obtain date
> > > #Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results to
> > > file.
> > > #Obtain location
> > > #Set Dictionary
> > > #Event number
> > > #Obtain set size
> > > #Prompt first entry
> > > #First Entry Number
> > > #First Entry Name
> > > #Set Blocks to obtain and calculate data
> > > #Block 1 example - Placings Block
> > > #Obtain number of events competed in
> > > #Obtain how many times finished first
> > > #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
> > > #Number of Firsts divide by Events * total by 15.
> > > #Obtain Second finishes
> > > #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
> > > #Number of Seconds divide by Events * total by 10.
> > > #Continue On with this
> > > #Block 2 - Lookup coach Dict and apply value.
> > > #Obtain Surname of Coach
> > > #Lookup Coach File and Match Name and get value.
> > > #Blocks continue gaining and calculating values.
> > > #create txt file named using date
> > > #Sum Values Block1 + Block2 etc
> > > #Print to file event number and field with name number individual
> > > Block totals and Sum Total
> > > #Arranged in descending Sum Total.
> > > #Prompt are there any more events? Yes return to start
> > > #Apphend all additional events to same day file seperated by blank line.
> > How many of these steps have you attempted actually coding?  Seems to me
> > your first two steps are just string manipulation, and you only need to
> > use the datetime module if you need to validate.  In other words, if the
> > user specifies the date as 31/09/2009, you might want to later bounce
> > back to him with a complaint that September only has 30 days.
> > So the first task is to accept input in the form   ab/cd/efgh   and
> > produce a string  efgh-cd-ab.log   which you will then create as a text
> > file.  And if the file exists, you'll append to it instead of
> > overwriting it.   Can you do that much?
> > DaveA
> Trying but haven't got it working, thats why I started to try and use
> datetime module.

Surely getting it tottally mixed up

from datetime import date
def ObtainDate(params):
  date = raw_input("Type Date dd/mm/year: %2.0r%2.0r/%2.0r%2.0r/%4.0r
 print date.datetime(year-month-day)
 #Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results
to file.


def ObtainDate(params):
    date = raw_input("Type Date dd/mm/year: ")
    date.format = (%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s-%2.0s%2.0s-%2.0s)
    print date.format


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