2009/9/25 Paul Boddie <p...@boddie.org.uk>:
> On 25 Sep, 09:26, Donn <donn.in...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You could use distutils (setup.py) and include a readme that explains what
>> apt-get commands to use to install pygame, etc. Generally it's better to 
>> *not*
>> include the kitchen-sink with your apps; rather expect the user to have those
>> libraries already or be able to fetch them with ease.
> The various package installers and dpkg will probably complain about
> missing packages, but one could go all the way and set up a repository
> which works with apt-get. I did something elementary of this nature
> with some Shed Skin packages:
> http://packages.boddie.org.uk/
> There will undoubtedly be things I haven't quite done right here, but
> it would give a reasonable installation experience, although there
> would need to be a number of packages available through the repository
> for the configuration exercise to be worthwhile.
>> I did my best at explaining that deeply confusing setup.py process 
>> here:http://wiki.python.org/moin/Distutils/Tutorial
> This is a nice tutorial, and I'll have to see if I can contribute
> anything to it later.
>> I have also seen two other approaches:
>> 1. A new app called 'Quickly' which is some kind of magical auto-do-
>> everything-ubuntu connected to Launchpad. From what I hear it sounds very
>> cool.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Karmic/Quickly
>> 2. The Ubuntu PPA repositories -- google around. (Seems Quickly does this 
>> too)
> The problem with some Ubuntu stuff, sadly, is that the maintainers
> like to have their own special toolset which isolates them from the
> more general Debian ways of working. In addition, Launchpad, despite
> its recent open-sourcing (in most respects), is perceived as something
> of a walled garden. Still, if it contributes good ideas to the
> mainstream, I suppose it's not all bad.
> Paul
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Thanks for you answers.

I am thinking of two target audiences:

1. Early adopters/beta-testers. This would include:
  - my non-computer-geek brother on a windows-machine. I'll go for py2exe.
  - any non-geek visiting my blog using windows (py2exe)
  - any geeks visiting my blog that use Ubuntu (tell them about the PPA-system)
  - any geeks visiting my blog that are non-Ubuntu (i'll just provide
the source code and tell them to apt-get python-pygame)

2. Future players
  - I'll try to find people that want me to help package the game for
different OSs. This list might come in handy ;)


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