En Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:24:34 -0300, Buck <workithar...@gmail.com> escribió:

On Oct 10, 9:44 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar>
The good thing is that, if the backend package is properly installed  
somewhere in the Python path ... it still works with no modifications.

I'd like to get to zero-installation if possible. It's easy with
simple python scripts, why not packages too? I know the technical
reasons, but I haven't heard any practical reasons.

If the reasons are purely technical, it smells like a PEP to me.

That's what I meant to say. It IS a zero-installation schema, and it also works if you properly install the package. Quoting Steven D'Aprano (changing names slightly):

"""You would benefit greatly from separating the interface from
the backend. You should arrange matters so that the users see something
like this:

+-- animal
+-- mammal
+-- reptile
+-- somepackagename/
    +-- __init__.py
    +-- animals.py
    +-- mammals/
        +-- __init__.py
        +-- horse.py
        +-- otter.py
    +-- reptiles/
        +-- __init__.py
        +-- gator.py
        +-- newt.py
    +-- misc/
        +-- __init__.py
        +-- lungs.py
        +-- swimming.py

where the front end is made up of three scripts "animal", "mammal" and
"reptile", and the entire backend is in a package.""" [ignore the rest]

By example, the `animal` script would contain:

from somepackagename import animals

or perhaps something more elaborate, but in any case, the script imports whatever it needs from the `somepackagename` package.

The above script can be run:

a) directly from the `project` directory; this could be a checked out copy from svn, or a tar file extracted in /tmp, or whatever. No need to install anything, it just works.

b) alternatively, you may install somepackagename into site-packages (or the user site directory, or any other location along the Python path), and copy the scripts into /usr/bin (or any other location along the system PATH), and it still works.

The key is to put all the core functionality into a package, and place the package where Python can find it. Also, it's a good idea to use relative imports from inside the package. There is no need to juggle with sys.path nor even set PYTHONPATH nor import __main__ nor play any strange games; it Just Works (tm).

Gabriel Genellina


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