None, True, False, integers and strings are not mutable. The only time the id is the "same" between two objects is if they are the identical two objects.
I'm aware of that. ;-)

CPython just (as a performance optimization) re-uses the same objects sometimes even if people think they're using different objects.

>>> a = 2
>>> b = 2
Integers are immutable so it was not part of my question.
Christian's point is, I believe, that this is all an implementation detail to the CPython platform and not a language-defined feature. Other implementations may do other things, so one should not rely on this behavior. Basically, don't use "is" unless you really know what you're doing -- or are testing verses a singleton :) "is" is never the right thing for numbers. Usually. Ahem.
Well, I now understand that this is also "theoretically" correct:

>>> id({}) == id({})

The explanation is that you can only distinguish two objects if ARE objects, e.g. they both must exist. In the one-liner above, the dict objects are not directly compared, and they are not BOTH alive when their ids are taken, so this one liner is a meaningless expression. :-)

I'm always amazed how logical and clean Python is. I do not want to start flame here, but for other programming languages (like XXX :-) ) they could not even start a thread like this, because some terms and concepts in other languages are not defined precisely.



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