On Nov 13, 3:20 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
<bdesth.quelquech...@free.quelquepart.fr> wrote:
> > I think because (like me) Carl
> > put's the language before sewing circles. I think it's just personal
> > like all the times before,
> Well, to be true, you did manage to make a clown of yourself more than
> once, so don't be surprised if some people here tend to treat you as one
> - even when you come up with something that _may_ have some value.

Well, i must agree with that assessment. There have been some
*interesting* post from me here. I am human and prone to make mistakes
like anyone 0:-)

> My (hopefully friendly) 2 cents.

Thanks, the tone of this message was very good!

But anyway this is all moot now. I received a message last night from
a very intelligent person who i will not name since the message was
only addressed to me (no it's not Guido! I don't want to start any
crazy rumors people!) This "persons" response was *so* intelligent and
informative i was awe struck whilst reading it and concluded i have no
further basis to argue for this syntax change (not at this time
anyway). I would like to post this person's message for all to see but
i will not without their permission. I can now see how the pros *may*
not outweigh the cons and so with that i concede to my opponents.

Anyway, good discussion chaps!

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