So, how can i pass an argument as a variable in this context...?

Quoting MRAB <>:

Yasser Almeida Hernández wrote:
Hi all!!

I'm writing a script where i call a external program which receive some arguments. One of this arguments is stored in a variable, that is passed as argument as well:

import os
f = open(file1, 'r')
s = 'command $f -i file2 -w 1.4 -o file3.out'

When i run the script i get the next message...
'-i: No such file or directory'
... with a obvious error in the exit of the program. If i remove the option -i i get the same error with every option, even with those who don't get any file as argument. (file2 exist).
BUT, when i run the external program in a python shell, it works...

What's wrong?

The name 'f' in the Python script exists only in Python and is unrelated
to the '$f' that the shell sees.

Lic. Yasser Almeida Hernández
Center of Molecular Inmunology (CIM)
Nanobiology Group
P.O.Box 16040, Havana, Cuba
Phone: (537) 271-7933, ext. 221

Correo FENHI


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