On Dec 19, 12:42 am, AppRe Godeck <a...@godeck.com> wrote:
> Just curious if anybody prefers web2py over django, and visa versa. I
> know it's been discussed on a flame war level a lot. I am looking for a
> more intellectual reasoning behind using one or the other.

Chevy or Ford?  (or whatever pair you prefer)
vi or emacs?
<pick your favorite two long-lasting world religions>...

These hold one aspect.

Hammer or a saw?

Hold (perhaps) another...

us.pycon.org, for example, uses both (in reality a mix of the above
argument sets, but at least evidence of the latter: different tools
for different problems).

>From a rapid prototyping perspective, web2py is heavily data-table
efficient: that is, you can define a system, and all the app creation,
form generation and validation have defaults out of the box, and you
can have a "sense" of your data-centric structure in minutes.   The
same argument can go against ("how do I get it to do exactly what _I_
want it to, not what it wants to?") - that is, defaults hide things,
and  that has two edges...

>From a layout/user interaction rapid prototyping perspective, web2py
is just entering the waters...

There is a steady growth of users, and (as you would expect for a
young framework), a lot of changes going on (although backward
compatiblity is a constant mantra when considering changes, that too
is a double-edged thing).

I find web2py useful, fast, and at times / in areas not as evolved /
flexible as I'd like.  BUT I could learn it quickly, and get to work

I have taken an intro Django course (at a PyCon), have built a few
things with it (not nearly as many as I have w/ web2py), and I _can_
do things in it - so I'll let someone else w/ django "miles" under
their belt speak their mind.

- Yarko

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