On Dec 19, 8:39 pm, AppRe Godeck <a...@godeck.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 12:48:07 -0800, Yarko wrote:
> > On Dec 19, 12:42 am, AppRe Godeck <a...@godeck.com> wrote:
> >> Just curious if anybody prefers web2py over django, and visa versa. I
> >> know it's been discussed on a flame war level a lot. I am looking for a
> >> more intellectual reasoning behind using one or the other.
> > Chevy or Ford?  (or whatever pair you prefer) vi or emacs?
> > <pick your favorite two long-lasting world religions>...
> > These hold one aspect.
> > Hammer or a saw?
> > Hold (perhaps) another...
> tis the nature of man kind to war.
> > us.pycon.org, for example, uses both (in reality a mix of the above
> > argument sets, but at least evidence of the latter: different tools for
> > different problems).
> > From a rapid prototyping perspective, web2py is heavily data-table
> > efficient: that is, you can define a system, and all the app creation,
> > form generation and validation have defaults out of the box, and you can
> > have a "sense" of your data-centric structure in minutes.   The same
> > argument can go against ("how do I get it to do exactly what _I_ want it
> > to, not what it wants to?") - that is, defaults hide things, and  that
> > has two edges...
> > From a layout/user interaction rapid prototyping perspective, web2py is
> > just entering the waters...
> > There is a steady growth of users, and (as you would expect for a young
> > framework), a lot of changes going on (although backward compatiblity is
> > a constant mantra when considering changes, that too is a double-edged
> > thing).
> > I find web2py useful, fast, and at times / in areas not as evolved /
> > flexible as I'd like.  BUT I could learn it quickly, and get to work
> > quickly.
> > I have taken an intro Django course (at a PyCon), have built a few
> > things with it (not nearly as many as I have w/ web2py), and I _can_ do
> > things in it - so I'll let someone else w/ django "miles" under their
> > belt speak their mind.
> > - Yarko
> It seems that this is the biggest issue surrounding web2py, from my
> research, is the ability to customize the defaults (the easy). If all
> web2py offers is default views, then it may be good for proof of concept
> projects, however I can't see in my right mind, proofing an application,
> and then turning around to write it in django because more than the
> defaults is needed.
> Thanks for your replies, I was hoping to hear from some django people as
> well. Especially if you choose django over web2py, and why.
> If you have time to write,
> Give a situation where you would prefer to have django over web2py, and
> then another situation you would prefer web2py over django, and why.
> Why does web2py have classes that represent HTML? I can't see ever
> needing to write VIEW code in my controller, since thats what views are
> for.
> It seems that even though web2py is fast, supports lots of features, the
> fact that in the end it gets in the way of doing what you want is it's
> downfall. Django, even though requiring more "ground work", this ground
> work becomes a solid foundation on which to build your application on.

You need to realize that web2py is still a relatively young framework,
issues to certain problems are currently being addressed in web2py.
For example, the DAL is being re-written in a much more modular maner,
allowing the addition of new database backends to be quite seemless.
Other parts of web2py will follow as web2py grows I am sure. I
wouldn't disqualify web2py based off what you read, you really need to
try it for yourself, and if you run into a problem, I'm sure, some way
there is a solution if you bring up the problem, and your problem
might even help web2py to grow to be an even better framework.

I dare you to try developing a web application with both. Spend one
day working on a simple django application, polls, blog, image
gallery, family pet tree, you name it. Then take the next day, and
write the same application with web2py, and you decide. In the end,
both are tools and you need to figure out what is best for YOU.

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