On Dec 19, 1:42 am, AppRe Godeck <a...@godeck.com> wrote:
> Just curious if anybody prefers web2py over django, and visa versa. I
> know it's been discussed on a flame war level a lot. I am looking for a
> more intellectual reasoning behind using one or the other.

Hi!  I come from a mvc framework background in a few different
languages (java, php, ruby).  I'm only a couple weeks into web2py, I'm
finding web2py a joy to work with.  I won't waste your time with the
features it provides, as you can find these on the website.  There is
also a copy of the lead developer's book on the site, and its very
well written.

If web2py intrigues you, I would recommend just trying it for a few
days.  It's pretty small (relatively few exposed classes and
functions) and very comprehensible, so you won't really have to invest
much if you decide to try it and don't like it.  The mailing list is
active and responsive, and the lead developer happens to have chimed
in on every question i've asked.  On the down side, the irc community
is very small.

Good Luck,


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