The concept of distributed transaction does not make sense on GAE
because there is only one datastore.

It supports regular transactions on GAE to the extent that GAE
supports them but you have to use the GAE run_in_transaction API

It does support distributed transactions with multiple database
connection to postgresq, mysql and/or firebird.
I think this is related to the topic because it is a distinctive
feature of web2py.


On Dec 20, 1:32 pm, Lacrima <> wrote:
> On Dec 20, 1:35 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > Errata. I said "The dal supports transactions" where I meant "the dal
> > supports migrations".
> > Of course it also supports "transactions" as well as "distributed
> > transactions".
> Sorry, if this is not related to this topic.
> Does web2py support distributed transactions with Google App Engine
> Datastore?


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