Thanks for your answer, let me be more precise:

I would add the standard module ConfigParser to your list.
of course, that was the implicit starting point of my request, when talking about .ini files.
I don't know exactly what you intend to do with point 4/,
It would allow me to select different files with command line switches, like for example a -c <alternative conf file> option.
but I would exclude it if any other point may fit. Imports can become tricky when used out of the common way. Anyway, hacking the import statement for managing configuration files does not sound very appropriate.

Would this be considered a hack ?

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

# parse command line options here

if option='standard':
  const = __import__('consts')
  const = __import__('alternative_consts')

The .ini file is the simpliest solution, at least from the user point of view, no need to learn any python syntax.
I am speaking from the point of view of a python programmer, and I find the .ini restrictions not necessarily simple, for example when dealing with structured data (I suppose it is trivial to specify a dictionnary or a list for the purpose of my request) For example, configuration files for the logging module get unwieldy when you specify several loggers , handlers, formatters etc, because you have to break down structured data ( objects ) to name,value pairs.
However, speeking for myself, I am using python coded configuration files, but: we all worship python in the team and thus are familiar with it.

so do I.

So what is the "worshipped" approach, when you need more than name=value pairs ?



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