On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Peter <vm...@mycircuit.org> wrote:
>> The .ini file is the simpliest solution, at least from the user point of
>> view, no need to learn any python syntax.
> I am speaking from the point of view of a python programmer, and I find the
> .ini restrictions not necessarily simple, for example when dealing with
> structured data (I suppose it is trivial to specify a dictionnary or a list
> for the purpose of my request) For example, configuration files for the
> logging module get unwieldy when you specify several loggers , handlers,
> formatters etc, because you have to break down structured data ( objects )
> to name,value pairs.
> So what is the "worshipped" approach, when you need more than name=value
> pairs ?

JSON is one option: http://docs.python.org/library/json.html


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