Hi all, I've been trying to make a class with which to manipulate sound data, and have run into some behaviour I don't understand which I hope somebody here can explain. The class has an attribute called data, which is a list with two elements, one for each audio channel, each of which is a list containing the audio data for that channel. It also has various methods to write data such as sine waves and so on, and a method to insert data from one sound at the start of data from another. Schematically, the relevant bits look like this:

class sound:
    def f(self):
        self.data = [[0]]*2

    def insert(self, other):
        for c in xrange(2):
            self.data[c][0:0] = other.data[c]

However, the insert method doesn't work properly; x.insert(y) adds two copies of y's data to the start of x's data, instead of one. From a session in IDLE:

>>> x = sound()
>>> y = sound()
>>> x.f()
>>> y.f()
>>> x.data
[[0], [0]]
>>> x.insert(y)
>>> x.data
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]

But suppose I replace the line

  self.data = [[0]]*2


  self.data = [[0] for c in xrange(2)]

Then it works fine:

>>> x = sound()
>>> y = sound()
>>> x.f()
>>> y.f()
>>> x.data
[[0], [0]]
>>> x.insert(y)
>>> x.data
[[0, 0], [0, 0]]

Can anybody tell me what's going on?

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