On 2010-01-27 21:06:28 -0500, Rotwang <sg...@hotmail.co.uk> said:

Hi all, I've been trying to make a class with which to manipulate sound data, and have run into some behaviour I don't understand which I hope somebody here can explain. The class has an attribute called data, which is a list with two elements, one for each audio channel, each of which is a list containing the audio data for that channel. It also has various methods to write data such as sine waves and so on, and a method to insert data from one sound at the start of data from another. Schematically, the relevant bits look like this:

class sound:
     def f(self):
         self.data = [[0]]*2

Consider that this is equivalent to

def f(self):
   x = [0]
   self.data = [x, x]

self.data is now a list containing two references to the list referenced by x -- so changes via either of the elements of self.data will affect both elements. Your comprehension version creates a list containing two distinct list objects, so this doesn't happen.

Can anybody tell me what's going on?



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