spike wrote:
On Feb 8, 1:35 pm, Gary Herron <gher...@islandtraining.com> wrote:
spike wrote:
Has anyone been able to come across a Python logic map or Python logic
flow chart?
An example can be seen on the right under History:
This would be very helpful for all users.
Huh???  What aspect of Python were you thinking of mapping out?

Your example us a bad ascii art graph of -- I've no clue what?

Gary Herron

Do you know what "Logic" means? Guess not. Before you comedians quit
your day job some people are looking for information. If you have
nothing positive to say, go pester somewhere else.

Grow up.

Why the attitude? I wouldn't have asked for a clarification if I didn't want to help. However, I seriously have *no* idea what the OP has asked for when he says "Python logic map". Do you? If so, then answer the poor guy's question instead of whining at me. (And I'll respectfully read your answer, just to see how you interpret "Python logic map".)

And I still claim that the example he aimed us at does not help in figuring out what he's asking. It's a (nearly) 30 year old ascii-art drawing of the connectivity between (mostly university and government research lab ) computers that comprised the UUCP/USENET and ARPANET -- the precursor to today's internet. BUT, that begs the question: What does an old network connectivity chart have to do with a "Python logic map"?

If the OP is asking for a way to draw flow charts of Python programs, then why is his example of something that is *not* a flow chart, and drawn with 30 year old technology to boot.

If he is asking for a way to draw some kind of a connectivity graph, then I have to ask: Connectivity of what?

Gary Herron, PhD.
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


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