On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 07:35:51 -0000, Gary Herron <gher...@digipen.edu> wrote:

spike wrote:
On Feb 8, 1:35 pm, Gary Herron <gher...@islandtraining.com> wrote:

spike wrote:

Has anyone been able to come across a Python logic map or Python logic
flow chart?
      An example can be seen on the right under History:
      This would be very helpful for all users.

Huh???  What aspect of Python were you thinking of mapping out?

Your example us a bad ascii art graph of -- I've no clue what?

Gary Herron

Do you know what "Logic" means? Guess not. Before you comedians quit
your day job some people are looking for information. If you have
nothing positive to say, go pester somewhere else.

Grow up.

Why the attitude? I wouldn't have asked for a clarification if I didn't want to help. However, I seriously have *no* idea what the OP has asked for when he says "Python logic map". Do you? If so, then answer the poor guy's question instead of whining at me. (And I'll respectfully read your answer, just to see how you interpret "Python logic map".)

Er, Gary, that *is* the OP. He's just much better at being peeved than at clearly explaining what he wants.

And sorry, but I have no idea what Python logic maps or Python logic flow charts either, or even what a inter-network connectivity diagram might have to do with them. An expansion of the original question is definitely in order.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses

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