Bryan wrote:
On Feb 22, 9:19 am, MRAB <> wrote:
Bryan wrote:
I am looping through a list and creating a regular dictionary.  From
that dict, I create an ordered dict.  I can't think of a way to build
the ordered dict while going through the original loop.  Is there a
way I can avoid creating the first unordered dict just to get the
ordered dict?  Also, I am using pop(k) to retrieve the values from the
unordered dict while building the ordered one because I figure that as
the values are removed from the unordered dict, the lookups will
become faster.  Is there a better idiom that the code below to create
an ordered dict from an unordered list?
Why are you building a dict from a list and then an ordered dict from
that? Just build the ordered dict from the list, because it's behaves
like a dict, except for remembering the order in which the keys were

Could you write some pseudo-code for that?  I'm not sure how I would
add the items to the OrderedDict while looping through the list.
Wouldn't the list need to be sorted first (which in this case isn't

Could you please clarify what you are trying to achieve as you appear to be confusing ordering with sorting.

Mark Lawrence.


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