Am 24.02.2010 18:23, schrieb mk:
Even then I'm not getting completely uniform distribution for some reason:
d 39411
l 39376
f 39288
a 39275
s 39225
r 39172
p 39159
t 39073
k 39071
u 39064
e 39005
o 39005
n 38995
j 38993
h 38975
q 38958
c 38938
b 38906
g 38894
i 38847
m 38819
v 38712
z 35321
y 35228
w 35189
x 35075


import operator

def gen_rand_word(n):
with open('/dev/urandom') as f:
return ''.join([chr(ord('a') + ord(x) % 26) for x in])

The reason is 256 % 26 != 0
256 mod 26 equals 22, thus your code is hitting a-v about 10% (256/26 is approx. 10) more often than w-z. You might want to skip the values 0-22 to achieve a truly uniform distribution.

FYI: Electronic Cash PINs in europe (dont know about the rest of the world) were computed the same way (random hexdigit and just mod it when it's too large) leading to a high probability that your first digit was a 1 :)


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