Ben Finney <> writes:

> Terry Reedy <> writes:
>> On 3/3/2010 12:05 PM, John Nagle wrote:
>> > CPAN is a repository. PyPi is an collection of links.
>> As Ben said, PyPI currently is also a respository and not just links
>> to other repositories.


>> > CPAN enforces standard organization on packages. PyPi does not.
> This is, I think, something we don't need as much in Python; there is a
> fundamental difference between Perl's deeply nested namespace hierarchy
> and Python's inherently flat hierarchy.

Perl's hierarchy is 2 (e.g. Text::Balanced) or 3 levels deep
(e.g. Text::Ngram::LanguageDetermine), rarely deeper
(Text::Editor::Vip::Buffer::Plugins::Display). Which is in general most
likely just one level deeper than Python. Perl is not Java.

And I think that one additional level (or more) is a /must/ when you
have 17,530 (at the time of writing) modules.

If Python wants it's own CPAN it might be a good first move to not have
modules named "xmlrpclib", "wave", "keyword", "zlib", etc. But I don't
see that happen soon :-).

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

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