Hi All--
Yes.  There are multiple ways I can correct myself, some, I'm sure,
involving chains and whips.  But you're all missing the point: 
Christopher is right!  Python docs are not as good as PHP docs.  Why
not?  Why do I have to be told "Hey, there are fifty ways to get what
you want!" when I should be able to go to the main doc page and SEE the
right link to click.  Why isn't there a "Methods in Standard Objects"
page, for instance?  Why would I have to search?

And the search is sucky, anyway.  So there;-)  Christopher described the
right way.  I should be able to type "string methods" into the text box,
push submit, and IT SHOULD HAND ME THE PAGE.  Not "Results 1 - 20 of
about 9,800 from www.python.org for string methods. (0.78 seconds)" (and
no, I am not exaggerating).  And the first hit is from Python 2.1.3, NOT
the current doc.  Sorry.  No cigar.

"There's Only One Way to Do It," except in the Docs, that is.  Good as
Google is, it is not good for a doc search.  We don't have a doc search,
we have a doc hurl.

BTW, my "tortured method" is quicker than Bruno's, because to use his
method I'd have to start the interactive interpreter.

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Ivan Van Laningham a écrit :
> > Hi All--
> > The Python docs are not ideal.  I can never remember, for instance,
> > where to find string methods (not methods in the string module, but
> > methods with ''),
>  >>> dir('')

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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