On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Javier Montoya <jmonto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm a newbie in python and would be acknowledge if somebody could shed
> some light on associative arrays.
> More precisely, I would like to create a multi-dimensional associative
> array. I have for example a list of students which are identified
> uniquely by their student IDs. Additionally, for each student I have
> some information: FirstName, LastName, etc.
> The array would have then the following form:
> [StudentID] => [FirstName][LastName][Telephone]...[ ... ]
> I would like to be able to access a field directly by using a
> StudentID
> [StudentID][FirstName]
> [StudentID][LastName]
> How could I manipulate such an array (create the array, add elements,
> access data)?

Did you try the python tutorial?  Dictionaries might be what you are
looking for.



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