On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 20:12:59 +0000, kj wrote:

> In <mailman.1326.1269971785.23598.python-l...@python.org> Steve Holden
> <st...@holdenweb.com> writes:
>>Yes, that's deliberately awful syntax. Guido designed it that way to
>>ensure that people didn't aver-use it, thereby reducing the readability
>>of Python applications.
> Is that for real???  It's the QWERTY rationale all over again.  Swell.

Not according to the PEP. No fewer than 16 alternatives were put to a 
vote, and with no clear winner (but many obvious losers) Guido made the 
final decision.


Although the results of the voting are given, unaccountably no final 
tally was given. Possibly because nobody could agree on how to tally the 
votes. Using a simple counting procedure (I give 3 votes for a rank1 
vote, 2 votes for a rank2 and 1 for a rank3, signed according to whether 
it was an Accept or Reject vote) I find the top four candidates were:

C.  (if C: x else: y)     27%
D.  C ? x : y             20%
B.  if C then x else y    13%
A.  x if C else y         11%

with everything else an order of magnitude smaller (6% or less). If you 
choose a different voting scheme, no doubt you will get different results.

Since no candidate syntax got a majority of the vote, it came down to the 
only vote that really mattered: Guido's.

    Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government 
    and had ended up with that form of democracy known as 
    One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the 
    Vote. -- (T. Pratchett, "Mort")

Guido did say "Note that all these are intentionally ugly" but this was 
followed by a smiley and was obviously tongue-in-cheek.


> "Let's preserve readability by making the syntax so ugly that people
> won't use it."???  That's just perverse.  (It would have been more
> reassuring if the reason had been simply that Guido has an inexplicable
> dislike of ternary expressions just like one may have an inexplicable
> dislike of Broadway musicals.)

"Inexplicable"? They're musicals, and they're on Broadway. Surely that's 
two good reasons to dislike them *wink*

> Second, sticking the test between the two alternatives goes against a
> vast tradition in programming languages.

As I've pointed out before, it is natural syntax in English. Not 
necessarily the most common, but common enough to be completely 

"I'll be there in ten minutes, if I can find a parking space close by, 
otherwise you should start without me."


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