"Booter" <colo.av...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:ec6d247c-a6b0-4f33-a36b-1d33eace6...@k19g2000yqn.googlegroups.com...
Hello all,

I am new to python ans was wondering if there was a way to get the mac
address from the local NIC?

Thanks for your help.


This is what I use -

def get_mac_address():
   if sys.platform == 'win32':
       for line in os.popen("ipconfig /all"):
           if line.lstrip().startswith('Physical Address'):
               mac = line.split(':')[1].strip().replace('-',':')
# mac = os.popen("/sbin/ifconfig|grep Ether|awk {'print $5'}").read()[:-1]
       for line in os.popen("/sbin/ifconfig"):
           if 'Ether' in line:
               mac = line.split()[4]
   return mac


I only target windows and linux. I don't know if it works for all platforms.

I wrote this a long time ago. I think it would now be preferable to use subprocess() instead of os.popen().

Note the commented-out line in the linux block. This is an alternative method I cribbed from somewhere. Not as readable, but probably faster.


Frank Millman


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