Carlos Moreira wrote:

> So, let's try again.
> Supose that I want to create two methos (inside a
> class) with exactly same name, but number of
> parameters different:
> class myClass:
>      myAttribute = 0
>      def myMethod(self):
>           self.myAttribute += 1
>      def myMethod(self, myValue):
>           self.myAttribute += myValue
> Both method hold same identifier, the only difference
> in them signture are parameters.
> How could I simulate the situation above, using the
> language dynamic link (or polymorphism, as you
> prefer)?

Ah, that's not polymorphism; it's method overloading. And AFAIK it is 
not possible in Python.

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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