B wrote:
> On 13/5/05 03:35, in article
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Robert Kern"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>baza wrote:
>>>Where is the IDE in 'Tiger' for the mac? Don't tell me I have to use
>>>text edit all the time??
>>PythonIDE never came with the OS. You have to install it yourself.
> OK, just  installed it but it crashes under Tiger.

Not surprising. PythonIDE is very old and unmaintained relying on an 
older and even more unmaintained GUI toolkit. You should probably find 
another editor.

You could learn to use vim or emacs, both of which come with Tiger. They 
also have somewhat more Aqua-friendly GUI versions lurking around. I'm 
partial to vim, myself.

PyOXIDE might be a good choice for you.

I'm told Xcode does a tolerable job with Python.

There are other IDEs floating around. Searching the PythonMac-SIG 
mailing list archives should show you past discussions about them and 
how well they work on OS X.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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