Just want to say thank you to all those who responded with their 
thoughts so far.  Really appreciate you taking the time to share.  
This list has always been incredibly helpful and insightful!

I do have another quick question.  Has anyone had any luck getting 
PyGUI working on Snow Leopard?  I can't seem to get the blobedit 
example to work.


>> 1.  wxPython - This looks very good, although I'm not sure 
>> how to set up portability with this.

> I'm not sure what you mean by "set up portability".  If you follow the
> wxPython API documentation, then wxPython code is fairly portable.

By portable, I mean I want to send code out to other machines (right 
now just OS X machines) that don't already have wxPython.  It'd be 
nice to be able to package the appropriate module/library with my 
Python script.  For example, I include the xlrd module and Python 
file inside of an AppleScript droplet which works perfect as a 
stand-alone droplet on numerous machines.


>> Would love to hear anyones thoughts about GUI programming and what
>> they use.  Would also like to hear pros/cons with the different
>> modules/apps.  

> This question comes up about once a week, so Google should be able
> to find plenty of recent threads.

I've been googling this subject for quite some time.  Have found a lot 
of good results but would like to find more detail - especially more 
specific to displaying zoomable images like EPS, etc.


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