Although PyChecker 0.8.18 is quite an improvement over previous
releases, it does have quirks.  The PyChecker postprocessor might be
helpful, see



On Jun 1, 4:48 am, Leo Breebaart <> wrote:
> When fed the following code:
>  def Foo():
>     class A(object):
>         def __init__(self):
>             pass
>     class B(object):
>         def __init__(self):
>             pass
> PyChecker 0.8.18 warns:
> Redefining attribute (__init__) original line (5)
> I do not understand what is meant by this warning. In fact, it
> simply seems wrong -- but I have learned not to jump to that
> conclusion too quickly, so I was hoping someone here could
> perhaps enlighten me...
> Many thanks in advance,
> --
> Leo Breebaart  <>


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