On Jun 9, 2010, at 7:16 , ant wrote:

1 Although a few advocates of Tkinter have spoken in favour of it,
most seem to think that:
    It's not particularly elegant, either in its use or its
implementation with Tcl/Tk
    Not many people use it anyway, so why bother?

2 Most people who have used a GUI have some investment in it. So
arguments about which one is best tend to be
  partial and not wonderfully constructive.

In this whole discussion, I haven't seen anyone mention wax (http:// zephyrfalcon.org/labs/wax_primer.html)

I know that it is not being supported anymore, but the philosophy is something we can get behind. I have done a fair amount of GUI programming, and from my personal experience tkinter seems a bit clunky, and there are some really annoying things (like running a program from the commandline in OS X which launches a GUI has the window appear *behind* the terminal program) which make it impractical for my personal use. Up until recently Qt had odd license issues, so I leaned toward wx which does not have a very nice python interface. Much of wax, however, is a thin wrapper around wx, and is usable even now and is much easier and much more pythonic.

The nice thing about it is that, being a thin wrapper, you can have all of the power of wx if you want to. From a work-flow standpoint I often find myself doing everything in wax and then running into a part of wx that hasn't been wrapped, so I use the ugly wx code within my wax code for a while and later make the wrapper clean.

I wonder if that sort of philosophy would work: a really nice and clear, pythonic wrapper around a sophisticated, complex, and complete GUI framework. It should be thin enough that the underlying GUI library can be called directly, however, or its usefulness will be greatly diminished. Depending on how it is designed, it might even be possible to have a multi-framework wrapping, so that someone could have a Qt-based wrapper, and another using the same module choose to have it wrap wx.

I think the codebase for wax would be a very nice start to the discussion, because it is already almost usable. It is already very close to what I would consider an ideal GUI framework.

5 I should stop pontificating, and write code. If it's better than the
existing, people will use it and it will
  become the standard.

I guess that answers that one!   :)

Brian Blais


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