John Machin wrote:
> richard wrote:
>> John Machin wrote:
>> > Sorry in advance if this is not the correct forum ...
>> Quite. The support link for PyPI is in the sidebar of the site.
> Tried that, when I was trying to register and getting strange error
> messages about the user name, like "John Machin" and "John_Machin" were
> not "ascii" [it finally permitted "sjmachin"]. The response volume
> could not be likened to that of a fire-hose.

You mean the request you put in two days ago? Sorry I've not got around to
responding yet. It was admittedly low on my priority list because you were
the only person reporting the issue (out of hundreds of successful
registrations). I will now fill in the details you've just provided (ie the
input you used which broke the interface) so that when I get around to
fixing it I'll know what I'm looking for.

> Which is precisely how the file in question was generated:
> sdist --format=zip

Try without the --format arg. The code is being too paranoid.



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