On 6/15/10 9:03 AM, genkuro wrote:
> I'm coming to Python from Java.  I'm still getting a feel for scoping
> limits.  For the sake of curiosity, is there another way to refer to a
> package besides name?

The only way to refer to anything is by its name -- or, from a name and
through subscript/dot notation if you've stored something in a container.

But a package (and anything else) can have many names, and it really has
no idea what they are.

You can do "import logging as logging_package" which is just a shortcut for:

    import logging
    logging_package = logging
    del logging

And such.

That said: The frameworks I've seen that shadow the global 'logging'
package with a specific logger do so somewhat on purpose (though I find
the practice slightly dubious), so that naive code which previously just
used the general root logger would work with the more specific one

But such frameworks usually also have a setup/environment sort of file
where this is not done, and that's where things like adding handlers

Just as an aside.

Renaming "logging = ..." to "logger = ..." is probably a better solution
anyways :)


   Stephen Hansen
   ... Also: Ixokai
   ... Mail: me+list/python (AT) ixokai (DOT) io
   ... Blog: http://meh.ixokai.io/

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