Steven D'Aprano <> writes:

> But, honestly, is there anyone here, even the most heavy users of
> print, who would seriously expect that adding parentheses to print
> calls will do more than add a tiny fraction to the amount of typing
> effort already required to use Python? I suppose in principle those
> extra three key presses (shift-9 shift-0 vs space) could be the straw
> that breaks the camel's back, but I doubt it.

There's also Fitt's Law to consider: the space bar is big and
easily-placed and hence easy to type in the middle of a stream of other
keystrokes. None of that is true for the parens.

 \         “I turned to speak to God/About the world's despair; But to |
  `\   make bad matters worse/I found God wasn't there.” —Robert Frost |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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