On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 10:09:30 -0700 Emile van Sebille <em...@fenx.com>

> On 7/1/2010 10:00 AM Andreas Waldenburger said...
> > On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 09:35:31 -0700 Ethan Furman<et...@stoneleaf.us>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I'll have to give the left-handed mouse a try... hmmm -- not too
> >> bad so far.
> >
> > Since we're on the subject: I find the best solution for "lots of
> > typing with a little mousing" to be a keyboard with a pointing stick
> > (or track point or nav stick or whatever people call it). I'm not
> > quite sure why they haven't become standard issue on keyboards.
> > Shame, is what that is.
> >
> > /W
> >
> When I started having trouble about ten years ago, I switched to a 
> keyboard with integrated mouse pad.  No problems since...
Not bad, but you'll still have to move away your hand from the home row
that way. Pointing stick, I tells ya, pointing stick!




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