On Jul 5, 2:56 am, John Nagle <na...@animats.com> wrote:
>     The Twisted team has a list of what they need:
> "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/172306/how-are-you-planning-on-han...";

Here's what I got from a quick google review of the below four
projects and python 3.
>      * Zope Interface
Here's a blog from a core contributer to Zope, Lennart Regebro
claiming Zope Interface now works with Python 3:
I have no idea if this is official Zope, but it does indicate strong

>      * PyCrypto
Couldn't find much.  Found this from an email on Pycrypto mailing
Hi Tobias

 > Does Pycrypto work with Python 3.x now?

To my knowledge PyCrypto doesn't work yet with Python 3.x.
Around 30% of the test cases are still fail. If you want me
to check which of the components are pass, please let me know.

So someone has been looking at Python 3, but doesn't look like much is
being done.

>      * PyOpenSSL
Couldn't find anything.

>      * PyGTK
This one shows real progress.  There is a bug filed for Python 3
Key comment on that bug:
"""John Ehresman   [developer]      2010-04-17 16:02:43 UTC

I just pushed to the py3k branch a couple of fixes to bugs that are
of the changes for python3 so all tests pass under both python 2.5 and
python3.1.  It's probably time to think about landing this on the
branch; obviously we want to avoid regressions in python2 support.
What needs
to be done before this lands on master?"""
A couple of comments follow about when to merge Python 3 support.  So
it looks like they are almost there.

Conclusion:  2 of 4 dependencies that Twisted needs to port to Python
3 show strong progress towards completing the port.

Steven Rumbalski


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