John Nagle <> writes:

>    Python 3 is a nice cleanup of some legacy syntax issues.  But
> that's just not enough.  Perl 6 is a nice cleanup of Perl 5,

Eh, I wouldn't call Perl 6 a "nice cleanup". It's much better to
consider it a new language with roots in Perl 5 (amongst others). Or
to quote from

  "Perl 5 and Perl 6 are two languages in the Perl family, but of
   different lineages."

> and look how that went.  Ten years on, it's not even mainstream, let
> alone dominant.

I don't think that's the point of Perl 6 (if one can even say such a
thing, that is). Right now, (I) think of Perl 6 as a test bed for features
that couldn't be put in Perl 5 in an easy manner. Or (I) think of it as a
programming language lab.

My best guess is that with coming Christmas there will be a Perl 6
comparable to Python 3. But huge disclaimer: I hardly follow Perl 6

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

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