On Jul 5, 1:34 am, sturlamolden <sturlamol...@yahoo.no> wrote:
> On 5 Jul, 01:58, John Nagle <na...@animats.com> wrote:
> >      Exactly.
> >      The "incompatible with all extension modules I need" part
> > is the problem right now.  A good first step would be to
> > identify the top 5 or 10 modules that are blocking a move to
> > Python 3 by major projects with many users.
> The big danger is Python 2.x becoming abandonware (2.7 being the final
> release) before major projects are ported. Using Python 2.x for new
> projects is not advisable (at least many will think so), and using 3.x
> is not possible. What to do? It's not a helpful situation for Python.

But Python 2.3, 2.4 & 2.5 are *already* abandonware and see *major*
use in many systems and businesses. Python development has always gone
ahead of what *some* people use - and they don't seem to mind that
they're using essentially abandoned versions of Python.

Now that 2.7 is out I *might* be able to persuade my current company
to migrate to 2.6 on the servers, and they're far faster at adopting
tech than many companies I know.

All the best,

Michael Foord

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