On 7/4/2010 10:44 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 7/4/2010 7:58 PM, John Nagle wrote:

The "incompatible with all extension modules I need" part
is the problem right now. A good first step would be to
identify the top 5 or 10 modules that are blocking a move to
Python 3 by major projects with many users.

Let me repeat. Last September, if not before, Guido identified numpy as
a top package blocking moves by other packages and projects. I am not
sure what he thought, but I consider it number 1. He encouraged the
numpy people to produce a 3.x version even though some did not see any
personal benefit. We supposedly will see numpy for 3.2. If we actually
do, other dominoes will fall into place.

I you have any other ideas about other top blockers, please share them.

   The Twisted team has a list of what they need:


    * Zope Interface
    * PyCrypto
    * PyOpenSSL
    * PyGTK

                                        John Nagle


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