Am 07.07.2010 23:10, schrieb Brendan Abel:
>>>> One thing that would be very useful is how to maintain something that
>>>> works on 2.x and 3.x, but not limiting yourself to 2.6. Giving up
>>>> versions below 2.6 is out of the question for most projects with a
>>>> significant userbase IMHO. As such, the idea of running the python 3
>>>> warnings is not so useful IMHO - unless it could be made to work
>>>> better for python 2.x < 2.6, but I am not sure the idea even makes
>>>> sense.
> The entire fact that 3.x was *designed* to be incompatible should tell
> you that supporting 2.x and 3.x with a single code base is a bad idea,
> except for the very smallest of projects.  This is the point where a
> project should fork and provide two different versions.

I completely disagree. My personal experience is that this is well
possible even for large code bases, and I would recommend having a
single code base for 2.x and 3.x *in particular* for large projects,
which probably need to support 2.x users for quite some time, but
simultaneously need to support 3.x users.



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