I'm looking for some module or system of modules that can help me do a few 
things with audio

1. Playback of files (at least .wavs, other codecs would be nice but, hey, 
converting to a wav is easy)
2. Seek within the file
3. Control volume
3. Do all of these things by channel, e.g. play sound effect 1 on channels 1&2 
at equal volume and play effect #2 on only channel 2

I've got a setup with gstreamer and alsa right now, but I don't have any way of 
getting control of individual channels at the gstreamer level. I can easily do 
it at the alsa level and just manipulate the master left/right output, but 
that's not very helpful if it modifies all currently playing effects. I'm not 
even sure if this is possible to do with python, butsome pointers would really 
be great. 

(For the curious: This is part of the audio system for a larger immersive 
theater project, )

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