On 07/08/2010 09:17 PM, Alex Karpinski wrote:
> I'm looking for some module or system of modules that can help me do a few 
> things with audio
> 1. Playback of files (at least .wavs, other codecs would be nice but, hey, 
> converting to a wav is easy)
> 2. Seek within the file
> 3. Control volume
> 3. Do all of these things by channel, e.g. play sound effect 1 on channels 
> 1&2 at equal volume and play effect #2 on only channel 2
> I've got a setup with gstreamer and alsa right now, but I don't have any way 
> of getting control of individual channels at the gstreamer level. I can 
> easily do it at the alsa level and just manipulate the master left/right 
> output, but that's not very helpful if it modifies all currently playing 
> effects. I'm not even sure if this is possible to do with python, butsome 
> pointers would really be great. 

First of all, allow me to point to a something I hacked together
(mostly) a few weeks ago:

It's something of a library, VERY minimal/skeletal at the moment, for
audio generation (and/or processing) in Python. No idea if this is of
any help to you. Python 3 only. Multiple channel support is there,
though to be useful it'd still need a bit of glue. Not much to see there
yet all in all.

> (For the curious: This is part of the audio system for a larger immersive 
> theater project, )

Though really, what I think you want is jack. It basically allows you to
plug things together in any way, and I'm sure you can control the volume
of individual "plugs".
I expect there is a Python API, but I haven't checked.

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