On Jul 12, 9:52 pm, Gelonida <gelon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi lkcl,
> Do you have any documentation or overview for your project?

 git clone git://pyjs.org/git/multitaskhttpd.git

 i only started it today, but yes, there's a README.

 the primary reason it's being developed is because GNUmed are looking
to create a web service but they want to use the same psycopg2-based
middleware that's taken them pretty much forever to develop.  see my
reply to geremy condra for more details.

 if this turns out to be something that _really_ hasn't been done
before, then i'm happy for other people to pitch in and help out.

> Questions  I would be interested in:
> - List of features already working

* simple HTTP GET of files and subdirs

  (because i blatantly copied SimpleHTTPServer.py)

* JSONRPC services

  (i blatantly copied SimpleJSONRPCServer.py, it's
   something i found, it's based on SimpleXMLRPCService.py)

> - list of features under development

 the time between "under development" and "in future" is so short it's
hardly worthwhile stating.  i added JSONRPC in about 90 minutes for
example.  tomorrow i'll add HTTP POST multi-part forms and it will
take me about... 50 mins i should imagine, by looking at something
like turbogears or django.  i'm not going to "waste time reinventing"
stuff when i can pretty much cut/paste it.  web servers have been
_done_ already - it's just that cooperative multitasking seems most
definitely _not_ to have been done before.

> - list of features being in in the near future

 * HTTP POST with multi-part forms (just like standard web frameworks)
 * a better API once i have a clearer idea of what's needed
 * use of regex matching on apps, just like django urls.py


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