On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Tim Wintle <tim.win...@teamrubber.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-07-12 at 23:28 +0000, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:13 PM, geremy condra <debat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 4:59 PM, lkcl <luke.leigh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> there probably exist perfectly good web frameworks that are capable of
>> >> doing this sort of thing: i feel certain that twisted is one of them.
>> >> however, the original author of rtmplite decided to rip twisted out
>> >> and to use multitask.py and i'm one of those strange people that also
>> >> likes the idea of using 900 lines of awesome elegant code rather than
>> >> tens of thousands of constantly-moving-target.
> have you seen nagare:
> http://www.nagare.org/

 i have now! :)

 it uses stackless python, which is proobbably where the nonblocking
aspects come from.  going from there...


 ah ha!  on the face of it, that does actually look like it achieves
the same sort of thing.

> I've not used it - but from my understanding it might be what you're
> looking for (for the http part at least).

 yes, for the http part: the rest - mmm no.

>> i hate to think how this would be done using any of the standard
>> MixIns.  even if you wrote a special MixIn which did single-instance
>> socket handling, you couldn't use it because the BaseHTTPHandler
>> doesn't "cooperate", it has a while True loop on serving connections
>> until they're closed.
> I started working on something like this once (but I still had threads)
> - afraid I can't find the code with it in right now. I think it was
> similar to what you're doing:
> at least 2 threads - one accepts requests, the other deals with them.

 ok, that sounds like the problem has moved: requests could still be
received rather than blocked at the TCP level, but they'd still not
actually get processed if the 2nd "dealing with it" thread was in
"serve_forever()" mode.  and because of HTTP Keep-Alives, when
close_connection=1 in the HTTPRequestHandler base class, that would
still be an issue.

 looking at that stackless basic web server example, i believe that
that's actually it: the concept of "tasklets", and that cooperative
scheduling loop:
        while time.time() < t + delay:

 multitask.py effectively does the same thing, but using "yield",
which is just amazing.

but... not being funny or anything, but basically i'm done already :)
multitaskhttpd works, it doesn't need stackless, i completed a JSONRPC
service last night, i'll add POST of multi-part forms today, and i
have everything that [GNUmed] will need.

i think convincing the gnumed team to get all their users to install
and use stackless python would be a bit of a hard sell.


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