> Where does the error occur? If Cameron is right, it occurs somewhere
> completely different, when serializer.dump() is already long done, when
> some unsuspecting fool tries to do something with serializer.outf (such
> as closing it)
I have found it but still I don't get it.

Dump looks like this:


File "C: ... ineptpdf8.4.20.pyw", line 1266, in initialize return
self.initialize_fopn(docid, param)
File "C: ... ineptpdf8.4.20.pyw", line 1411, in initialize_fopn print

IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

Two strange things:

1st: in the buildurl is only the url (as a string) to open (something
like http://www.serverblaba.com/asdfasdf?wdfasdf=4&awfwf=34 ...)
2nd: it works if I start in in IDLE, it doesn't work if I double klick
on the .pyw file.

How can printing out a string throw a IOError exception? I'm quite

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