Instead of defaultdict for hash of lists, I have seen something like:

m={}; m.setdefault('key', []).append(1)

Would this be preferred in some circumstances?
Also, is there a way to upcast a defaultdict into a dict?  I have also
heard some people use exceptions on dictionaries to catch key
existence, so passing in a defaultdict (I guess) could be hazardous to
health.  Is this true?


On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 6:56 AM, Duncan Booth
<> wrote:
> Peter Otten <> wrote:
>> real is a property, not a method. conjugate() was the first one that
>> worked that was not __special__. I think it has the added benefit that
>> it's likely to confuse the reader...
> Ah, silly me, I should have realised that.
> Yes, micro-optimisations that are also micro-obfuscations are always the
> best. :^)
> --
> Duncan Booth
> --

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