In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
vincent wehren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If the application is really huge, you should consider using
>a set of programming languages that do the particular job best.
>That is, go for a complementary, concurrent approach in your choice
>of programming  languages. I wouldn't want to religiously stick to any
>one language just for the sake of being religious.
How embarrassing--I've followed up twice in this thread
already, and utterly failed to mention this.  YES!  The
question should never be, "What one language is least
imperfect for our requirements?", but rather, "What
specific combination of languages best fits our
situation?"  I'll refer again to Phaseit's deliveries:
we *always* are working in multiple languages.  If we
had responsibility for the project the Original Poster
described, I suspect we'd involve Python and C++, or
Jython and Java, and of course SQL and XHTML, and ...

At this level, part of my endorsement of Python has to
do with its propensity to play nicely with others.

As others have written, though, it would be rather
... ambitious to commit tens of millions of dollars to
a language with which the organization is almost 
entirely unfamiliar.  'Course, Big Organizations do
that all the time, without realizing it ...

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