On 08/29/2010 01:12 AM, Baba wrote:
> Level: beginner
> I would like to know how to approach the following Fibonacci problem:
> How may rabbits do i have after n months?
> I'm not looking for the code as i could Google that very easily. I'm
> looking for a hint to put me on the right track to solve this myself
> without looking it up.
> my brainstorming so far brought me to a stand still as i can't seem to
> imagine a recursive way to code this:
> my attempted rough code:
> def fibonacci(n):
>     # base case:
>         result = fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)
>>> this will end up in a mess as it will create overlapping recursions
> OR
> def fibonacci(n):
>     # base case:
>         fibonacci(n+2) - fibonacci(n+1) - n = 0
>>> this too would create overlapping recursions
Hi Baba,

Let's take another example: factorials:
Trivial, but you 'just have to apply the same techniques FIbonacci

n! = 1 * 2 * 3 . . . * n

Very first thing is to always find a trivial case, or the terminal
Tjis is, when you reduced the problem to the most trivial case(s), for
which you don't need anymore recursion

for factorials this would be
0! = 1
for Fibonacci you might have multiple trivial cases

and the recursive definition of factorial is\
n! = (n - 1) * n

so the code for factorial looks something like:

def factorial(n):
  if n == 0:
      # treat the trivial case / cases for which ou know the answer
      return 1
      # reduce the problem by the recursive definition
      return factorial(n-1)*n

Hope this helps.


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